Poor Investment

March 29, 2010

Kentucky is investing $4 mm annually in a basketball coach who gets deer-eyed in big games.  Just reinforces the need for execution in all organizations.  No matter the talent level, hype, or marketing spin, execution under pressure ultimately matters.

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March 19, 2010

As media evolves, what defines and how important is trust? What role does an editorial viewpoint play in building a relationship with a customer?  The NYT, following a trend established in Britain, has become more of a viewpoint newspaper as opposed to the newspaper of record.  The result is it is probably more trusted by […]

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March 2, 2010

I hear information wants to be free.  Don’t ideas want to be free as well?  Does that mean the patent office should be closed?  Or does copyright deserve enhanced legal and regulatory protection befitting a digital world?

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